| Abd-al-Halim, Soye S. de + Hassan, Zaza Danse orientale |
| Abdelmohsien, Iman An Arab woman's exploration of an ancient/modern form |
| Abdulkah Hamit, Tarhan, aut.; Fischer, August [Hermann Wilhelm Gustav August Fischer] 1865-1949, transl.into German 'Abdulhaqq Hamids dramatische Dichtung Ruhlar [Geister] |
| Abdullah, A., Sheikh (The well-known Oriental author - sic!) Dancing East of Suez is meaning |
| Acar, Ismail Hakki Zara folkloru |
| Acar, Ismail Hakki Zara'da mahalli kadin oyunlari |
| Adam, Lefteri, aut.; Boucas, Philip, photos Karaghioz shadow-theatre |
| Adams, Charles Joseph, ed. Iranian civilization and culture; essays in honour of the 2500 anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire |
| Adjemian, J. N. Le Theatre turc |
| Adra, Najwa Achievement and play; Opposition in Yemeni tribal dancing |
| Adra, Najwa Contributions |
| Adra, Najwa Dance and glance - Visualizing tribal identity in Highland Yemen |
| Adra, Najwa Tribal dancing and Yemeni nationalism - Steps to unity |
| AFP [Agence France-Presse] Syria war - Last puppeteer of Damascus is given lifeline [in Hebrew: Lehatsil et tiatron hatslaliot haaharon be-Suria] |
| Aghaie, Kamran Scot The Karbala narrative - Shi'i political discourse in modern Iran in the 1960s and 1970s |
| Aghaie, Kamran Scot The Origins of the Sunnite-Shi'ite divide and the emergence of the Ta'ziyeh tradition |
| Agostino, Charles d' Karagueuz |
| Ahmad-Bey La Societe persane - Le theatre et les fetes |
| Akademia Nauk SSSR Teatr narodov vostoka - Putevoditel po vystavke ustroennoi v bolshom konferents-sale akademii 26.3 - 9.4.1927 [in Russian] |
| Akca, F. Akcakoca Denizlide Zeybek Oyunlari ve Koy Dugunleri [Zeybek dances and wedding festivals at Denizli] |
| Akdik, Erbi A Compilation of Turkish folk dances |
| Akombo, David Otieno The Unity of music and dance in World cultures |
| Aktas, K. Kamil Orta oyunu - tuluat - Karagoz |
| Akuzum, Nes'e Seyh samil adh oyun [A dance called Seyh samil] |
| al ... - the article 'al' appears at name's end, after the first name(s). Example: Haidari, Ibrahim al
| al Faruqi, Lois Ibsen - see under Faruqi, Lois Ibsen al
| Al-Azraki, A. + Al-Shamma, James, transls., eds. Contemporary plays from Iraq |
| Albright, Ann Cooper + Davida, Dena + Cordova, Sarah Davies, eds. Proceedings - Re-thinking practice and theory international symposium on dance research: Thirtieth annual conference co-sponsored with CORD, Centre national de la danse, Paris, June 2007 Actes - Repenser pratique et theorie |
| Albright, Charlotte F. The Azerbaijani ashiq and his performance of a Dastan |
| Ale-Mohammed, Reza An Iranian Passion Play - 'Taziyeh' in history and performance |
| Ale-Mohammed, Reza Taziyeh |
| Alexakis, Aris O Karaghiozis - le theatre d'ombres grec |
| Ali, Alisha The California Middle Eastern dance scene |
| Ali, Hayali Kucuk 40 yil once Karagoz ve Mandira Sefasi, Tahir ile Zuhre |
| Ali, Hayali Kucuk Eskiden nasil Karagoz oynatilirdi |
| Ali, Hayali Kucuk Karagoz, Nevrekan, Zirilti, Perde |
| Ali, Shalimar Learn to belly dance - Dance textbook and certification program: Dance lessons and choreographies for students, troupes, performers and dance instructors |
| Alirezai, Hossein Le Theatre iranien ou tazie compare au mystere medieval |
| Alizadeh, Farideh + Hashim, Mohd Nasir Eclecticism in drama |
| Alpaslan, Ismet Tatlicayda Koyunun yuzu ve kosa bezeme |
| Alpay, A. Levent Araphaci koyunden uc seyirlik oyun |
| Alves-Masters, Judy Changing self-esteem of women through Middle Eastern dance |
| Amanat, Abbas Pivot of the Universe - Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian monarchy, 1831-1896 |
| Ambassadeur de Perse a Paris, L' Actualites |
| Ambros, Edith Gulcin Tracing the change in the representation of the Jew in Ottoman-Turkish folk theatre (From Karagoz to Ortaoyunu) |
| Amic, Jules Spectacles - Chez les Turcs |
| Amico, Silvio d' 1887-1955, founder; Savio, Francesco, chief ed. Enciclopedia dello spettacolo |
| Amoretti, B. Scarcia + Rostagno, L., eds. Yad-Nama - In memoria di Alessandro Bausani |
| An, Nejat Karagoz |
| Anand, Mulk Raj The Persian theatre |